Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized

Lana Vawser Daily Message

I saw SIGNIFICANT STRATEGIC breakthrough being released right now over many of the people of God. 

This breakthrough was different to breakthroughs I have seen in the past as it was strategic in seeing the EFFECTUAL SWITCH OVER THEIR LIVES, FLIPPED! 
I had a vision where I was standing in the throne room and I saw the Lord on the throne and He looked at the angelic hosts and spoke “READY, SET, FLIP”. 
The understanding came to me that the people of God, as they pressed in, God has made them READY, for this SET TIME of breakthrough, and now is the time for the switch to be FLIPPED.
I saw the angelic hosts begin to flip a switch in the heavens that began to release EFFECTUAL doors and BREAKTHROUGH over many of God’s people. 
EFFECTUAL: successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective (
The breakthrough that is being released upon many now is going to see many of God’s people finally come around the mountain to their promise with great joy and a supernatural effectiveness is going to be released through the manifestation of His promise. 
Moving from a land of hard ground, where there was difficulty in seeing things grow and flow feeling like they were barely surviving, to a land now that is thriving. Prosper, excellence, extravagant provision, and significant breakthrough momentum will be found in this land. 
“A whole new garden awaits” … I saw Jesus opening up a door to a whole new garden of intimacy and delight for His people in this new place of breakthrough where the new wine is flowing… A foretaste for many for what is to come and about to be released on the earth through the power of His Spirit.


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