Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser 


I released this word in 2014. Today it was brought before my eyes and I felt to re-release it and decree it over you today!


Good news will ring and your heart will sing!!!

All is well!!!! Things will be swell!!!! He will demonstrate His faithfulness to you!!!!

The ‘foreboding’ and ‘fear’ will be seen to be “fog” simply attempting to blur your vision from the truth and take your eyes off what He is saying!

The enemy is working overtime to put things before people’s eyes to bring distraction, but know that the Lord has already taken action, and the truth will manifest.

You will rejoice with a loud voice!!!

The news is in! 



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  • Noelle

    Thank you for this word from our Lord. My daddy was told yesterday he most likely has esophagus cancer and so much fear and shock over took all of us. I claim this word. Please pray for Rudy. Thank you God bless you

  • Susan M

    Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!! Thank you, warrior Lana….how I love to rejoice that our Lord’s wondrous Spirit and His prophetic voice and word is NEVER LIMITED, but transcends time and space and becomes relevant as He wills…where and when He wills. This is SO very timely and encourages and confirms what the Lord spoke to my heart recently… “IT IS WELL!” Alleluia!

  • Charlene from Tennessee

    This Word and the similar Word posted today proved to be specifically and exactly true to the word, with turn-around in the same day!!