• Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    I saw many in the secret place communing with Him when suddenly they were surprised by fire. I saw the fire of God fall upon them and straight into their hearts.  I saw the fire of His love fall and begin to burn away new layers and roots of the fear of man. Attached to this root were tentacles of if others fears. Fear of failure, fear of disappointment and fear of rejection and as the fire of His love fell upon these hearts, not only was the tentacles of these other fears being destroyed but the layers of the fear of man.  In the fire, the Lord was fashioning…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized

    Sowing Link

    Hi Friends,  We have received messages over the past few days alerting us to the fact that the sowing link on the bottom of Lana’s words has not been working.  Just letting you all know that the issue has been rectified. Sorry for the inconvenience.  This is the correct link that will now appear on the emails.  http://new.lanavawser.com//sowing/ Blessings to you all and thanks for your generosity and patience as we get this all up and running,  Lana Vawser Ministries 

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    The Lord is building bridges of favour leading His people to unexpected but glorious new relationships and places. Be on the lookout for the bridges, connections and networks He is building before you for they are leading to a new level of birthing and catapulting. These bridges are opening greater doors of divine destiny. Don’t be put off by “how they look” or “where you think” they are leading, follow the prompting of His Spirit for He is leading you into a glorious place where only He could get you. ************************************************************** SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE: To subscribe or unsubscribe please click on the link below: http://new.lanavawser.com//subscription/ SOW: To sow into this ministry please use…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    There is a shifting of gears taking place right now. The Lord is changing things around, rearranging and adjusting “speeds”. This is a time to really stay flexible and surrendered to Him. What is before you may be unexpected and it may feel like a huge sifting is taking place, and there is, but as you stay close to Him, you will see the sifting lead you into your next demonstration of heavenly shifting. The change of gear may not be what you expect but it is going to lead you to an even greater blessing.  ************************************************************** SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE: To subscribe or unsubscribe please click on the link below: http://new.lanavawser.com//subscription/ SOW: To…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    I felt the Lord encouraging His people to specifically have their hearts fixed on Him for fresh impartations. I saw HUGE heavenly downloads, big presents labelled IMPARTATIONS falling from the heart of Papa to His people.  I felt the heart of Papa God so excited.. “Ask Me what impartation I am releasing to you that is going to bring such radical change.” I could feel Him beaming with excitement and joy in this releasing.  As these impartations were received, some were expected and others fell suddenly when they least expected it.  These impartations are flowing from the heart of God and the throne room and bringing miraculous change. Even the…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    The Lord is awakening His people to new levels of intercession. I had a vision where I saw the Lord and He was moving upon His people as the “VOICE OF AWAKENING”.  As we press in, into the secret place the Lord is taking many into a place of hearing the cries of His heart at a deeper level. This is a sacred and beautiful place and the Lord is leading many there that have stewarded the revelations of His heart well.  As the cries of His heart began to resound in the ears and hearts of His people, they began to move into greater encounters with a breaker anointing.…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    "I declared the former things long ago and they went forth from My mouth, and I proclaimed them, Suddenly I acted, and they came to pass." – Isaiah 48:3 Last night I had a dream where Papa revealed His heart of SUDDENLY'S that are taking place and about to take place in the body of Christ right now.  The Lord specifically spoke to me in the dream and said "There are things that don't shake, move and then change, but things that SUDDENLY explode with the result of an IMMEDIATE and SUDDEN change."  I felt the encouragement from the heart of the Lord for certain things in our lives as…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    Over the past 24 hours I have received lots of messages and comments, sadly many sent with great verbal attack, concerning the dream I released about Donald Trump and I feel I need to clarify something.  Many have interpreted this dream as the Lord telling me that Donald Trump would be the next President. I have not said that but I do believe the Lord IS using Donald Trump in this season.  I simply released that which was given to me so the people of God can pray and continue to seek His heart for their nation.  The Lord's heart is for His victory and triumph to be seen in the…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    Firstly, I want to preface this word by saying that I do not have a political agenda for the United States of America. I am simply one person in Australia who has a huge heart of love for this beautiful nation and to see the destiny of the United States established and the Kingdom of God extended, releasing a huge wave of revelation of His goodness and love. I also want to say that I do not base what I am about to share on any ‘policies’ that I have heard, but simply what I believe the Lord revealed to me in a dream concerning the candidates. This word is…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    ASSIGNMENT OF ANXIETY I saw the enemy moving through the body of Christ and he had a bow and arrow in his hand and he was looking for "trigger points" in the people of God. He was looking for the areas that he knew if he hit that it was going to trigger higher levels of anxiety and fear within God's people.  I saw him firing arrows at bodies, at minds, at emotions  and circumstances in attempt to 'tip' a 'trigger point' that sees the people of God move away from peace and into high levels of anxiety. As the enemy moved through shooting His arrows, I saw the Lord…