• Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    I saw the enemy releasing an assignment attempting to bring division right across the body of Christ. I saw this spirit attempting to wreak havoc, stir suspicion, division and breakdown of relationships all across the body of Christ.  This spirit was attacking strategic relationships, and networks right now that are going to produce much fruit for the Kingdom of God when they "work together".  As this divisive spirit was being released across the body of Christ I heard the Lord speak and He said "what you partner with, you will empower".  So in the turbulence, what you partner with, is what is going to be fuelled and empowered. The enemy…

  • News,  Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized

    LVM Weekly Update

    Hi Friends! These ‘weekly’ updates may not always be weekly, but we are always excited to share what the Lord has been doing! We were in Adelaide earlier this month!! We had an amazing time at Adelaide Congress Ministry, a fruitful ministry among the indigenous community in South Australia, joined by our friend Katy we really saw God come in power! After the service, a local (Adelaide) indigenous leader and intercessor recounted a testimony of an indigenous leader many years ago who publicly said the Holy Spirit was no longer welcome in Adelaide. Some claiming that from that day the spiritual climate in Adelaide was never the same. Prophetically we…